An angel came to us in a wee gal born

Just over one month ago we celebrated the birth of a wee baby girl.  Brought into this world with love and care and nurtured throughout her days and nights in the womb.   I was with her before and shortly afterwards.  I held her and sang to this wee one.  A blessing.  An angel.  A wise spirit come to heal?

Today we honour our baby boy who died a year ago.  Lighting a candle and incense in my garden by the last of the white daisies the tears fall.  We honour all mothers who labour, fathers who stand by their side and brothers, sisters and all those care-givers who make birthing possible.

And as I wake in this waning moon night I thank The Great Spirit for her love, her cherishing of us and the strength of my own two women childs.

Now I will sleep.